5 Video Marketing Skills You Need to Succeed in 2024

by | Aug 1, 2024 | Blog, Video Marketing

A woman showing off her video marketing skills with a camera in her hand.
Video marketing skills aren't just limited to your skill with a camera.

With thousands upon thousands of videos being watched each and every day, it’s no surprise that video marketing is an incredibly lucrative industry– not just for businesses, but for the companies and teams that help the industry run. Here’s a breakdown of video ad statistics in the year 2024:

  • 91% of companies use video marketing to achieve their business goals.
  • 69% of companies have invested money into paid video ads.
  • 82% of consumers make the decision to buy a product or service based on a video they watched prior to their purchase.
  • 44% of consumers prefer to learn about products or services through videos.

Even halfway through the year, it’s clear that the video marketing boom is nowhere near finished; the industry’s total value is expected to hit a whopping $191.3 billion before the end of 2024, with a projected job increase of over 15%. Whether you’re looking to hire a video marketing team or become part of one yourself, the industry has a variety of roles for professionals of all kinds; now is the perfect time to sharpen your video marketing skills.

In this blog, we’ll go over five of the most important skills you’ll need to succeed in the video marketing industry. These skills include:

  1. Creativity
  2. Communication Skills
  3. Technical Know-How
  4. Writing Skills
  5. Data Analysis Skills

Creativity in Video Marketing

A video camera filming a woman on her laptop.

Simply put, creativity is your ability to come up with new and interesting ideas. Creativity can take many forms; you might have artistic sensibilities, or you could be a resourceful problem-solver. There’s a good chance that you already have a creative hobby of your own! No matter what kind of creativity you have, you’re more than likely to put it to good use in video marketing.

Why Creativity Matters

As you might’ve already guessed, almost every aspect of video marketing requires some form of creativity. It takes many creative minds to come up with fresh new ideas on a regular basis, as well as teams of talented writers, artists, and video producers to bring those ideas into reality.

Communications in Video Marketing

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When it comes to marketing, the success of any campaign ultimately comes down to how well it can reach its audience. Understanding your audience and how they think requires a deep understanding of people in general: in other words, strong communication and listening skills. Communication isn’t just about understanding other people– it’s also about maintaining good relationships with your team and the audience you’re trying to reach. 

Why Communication Matters

People with solid communication skills have a good understanding of what makes people tick. This is especially useful when it comes to fields like public relations (PR) and market research, which are key aspects of promoting and creating marketing videos. Moreover, video production teams are made up of individuals with different skill sets and personalities, making conflicts of interest near-inevitable. Knowing how to manage and mediate interpersonal conflict can boost morale, productivity, and creativity, making the final video that much better!

Technical Skills in Video Marketing

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Video production and editing requires a high level of technical knowledge about various production programs. Video editing software like Adobe, DaVinci Resolve, and Movavi help video production teams create polished and professional-grade videos. What’s more, knowing the technical ins-and-outs of social media sites like X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram can be a huge asset to the marketing aspect, letting companies share and promote their video marketing content for their audiences to see.

Why Technical Skill Matters

A compelling script, a high-quality video, and stunning visuals are only half of the process. Tech crews and video editing teams are responsible for putting these puzzle pieces together to create a complete, coherent narrative. Without the necessary technology and the skill it takes to use it, even the best video ideas would fall completely flat.

Writing Skills in Video Marketing

iStudiosMedia Marketing Agency

No video is complete without a script to follow. The dialogue, location, point of view, and even timed audio cues are just some of the crucial details that can only be found in the script. It’s up to writers, editors, and proofreaders to ensure that these are included and made clear in the script for the rest of the team to follow.

Why Writing Skill Matters

A well-written script helps video marketers and producers plan their content, ensuring that their videos are clear and effective. Creativity and writing often go hand in hand when it comes to video scripts, as script writers are responsible for ensuring that the creative team’s ideas are executed properly. Writers and editors also play a key role in keeping the rest of the video production team on the same page; a clear, detailed script helps create a consistent image of what the final product will look like.

Data Analysis and Video Marketing

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How do video marketers know whether or not their campaigns are doing well? This crucial information lies in the campaign’s key performance indicators (KPIs), or the metrics that companies use to measure the success of online content. While some campaigns might use surface-level metrics, such as views, likes, or shares, others might go deeper with advanced analytics. What kinds of people watch their videos and for how long? How many viewers are redirected to their website? How many viewers from a certain region buy their product after watching?

It takes an analytical, data-oriented mind to know what these metrics mean, and how to apply them to video marketers’ business goals.

Why Communication Matters

The ability to measure and analyze KPIs is something every video marketing professional should know. When it comes to marketing as a whole, analytics can mean the difference between success and failure; it can show businesses which strategies work towards their goals, which could use some improvement, and– most importantly– what should be done differently to increase the chances of future success.

Summary: Video Marketing Skills

As the industry continues to expand, video marketing continues to grow into a dynamic, in-demand field with a variety of options for professionals of all kinds. The most successful video marketing professionals will have a well-rounded skill set for a variety of roles, such as:

Creative Teams: Helpful for coming up with fresh, interesting, and impactful ideas for content marketing campaigns.

Communication / Public Relations: At the end of the day, audiences, teams, and business executives are all groups of people. Knowing how to communicate with all of them is a crucial skill in any marketing field.

Tech Crew and Video Editors: As a highly technologically advanced field, tech professionals are a key component in helping video marketing efforts run smoothly.

Writers and Editors: These talented professionals are responsible for writing the script, the heart of any piece of video content.

Analysts and Statisticians: Knowing how to measure the success of video marketing campaigns lets marketing professionals understand what went right, what went wrong, and where to go next.

If you’re looking to hire or join a team of professional video marketers, look no further than iStudios Media. Ready to get started? Get in touch with a member of our team today!

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